yippi login
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Southeast Asia’s 1st social media & messaging super app that connects you with people around the world with multi-features, including social communication, live streaming, e-commerce, entertainment, and attractive stickers.
Yippi Login. Username. Password. I hereby agreed to Seller Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy . Sign in.
Easily and securely communicate with your friends and family worldwide in real time.
Yippi Web – Yippi. Follow the steps below to use. Yippi on your computer. Steps 1 : Open Yippi on your phone. Steps 2 : Tap Profile and select QR icon on the top right of the page. Steps 3 : Tap on scan QR icon on the top right of the page. Steps 4 : Point your phone to screen and capture the code.
Web & App Chat. Connect with your friends and family securely around the world in real-time. Mini Video. Create vivid mini videos to wow your viewers and build influence to stand out on Yippi! Livestream with segregated languages. Watch, like and share live events on Yippi.
Yippi Messaging Connect with your friends and family around the World in real-time and securely
Stream games and let the world see your skills. Check Guide. About Us
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