summit scheduling shopper login
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KSS International is constantly recruiting more shoppers across the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, Guam, the Virgin Islandsm, ALL of Latin America and the UK. We invite you to apply by clicking on the “Becoming a Mystery Shopper” link to the left. Once you have completed the application process, you will be able to view our job board and …
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Forgot your password? Follow the instructions to reset it. @ Schedule Shopper – The best way to shop online.
Welcome ! Whether you are a Shopper or a Mystery Shopping, Market Research, Merchandising or Auditing Company, you have come to the right place. KSS International is THE Premier Scheduling and Recruiting Team. We pride ourselves on: Our Work Ethic and Professionalism. Solid relationships with the BEST shoppers in the world.
The Worldwide Leader in Mystery Shopping Software Used by over 150 mystery shopping providers, over 18,000 companies and over 3 million shoppers, SASSIE unlocks your company’s potential to: • Win New Business • Develop Unique Services • Maximize Staff Efficiency • Obliterate the Competition It’s time for your technology to go world class – It’s timeRead more
Summit scheduling and IPSOS gas station shops July 23, 2019. I have gotten multiple emails from schedulers at Summit Scheduling about bonuses
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