shijijiayuan login
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就在你身边,他们相爱啦!. 世纪佳缘交友网—国内在线婚恋交友平台,数百万会员在这里找到对象。. 现2.2亿注册会员,助您寻觅缘分!.
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我是会员,立即登录. 世纪佳缘交友网–国内在线婚恋交友平台,数百万会员在这里找到对象。 现2.2亿注册会员,助您寻觅缘分!
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世纪佳缘手机平台让单身男女随时随地利用碎片时间, 找到心仪的Ta. 即时聊天功能让你在线与心仪的TA迅速沟通. 缘份速配——推荐符合你要求的俊男靓女. 消息通知——与心仪的人时时刻刻聊天留言互动. 搜索——在线、新注册、距离近、同城老乡、星座速配 …
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- ( Chinese: 世纪佳缘; pinyin: shìjì jiāyuán) is the largest internet dating website in the People’s Republic of China. [1] . Jiayuan was founded by current CEO Rose Gong from her dormitory room at Fudan University in Shanghai in 2003. [2] . Jiayuan now has 40.2 million users, and 4.7 million monthly active users. [3] .
This report covers Shijijiayuan in the online dating market of China, based on data from the Consumer Insights Global survey. It does not provide login information for Shijijiayuan users, but offers insights on their demographics, lifestyle, opinions, and marketing touchpoints.
The signup process on the platform is free, with immediate full search access to the site’s database. Upon registration, you have to mention your gender, date of birth, country, and marital status (widowed, divorced, or single). On the top of the screen, there is a special login form for foreign users.
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