redcap login page northwestern
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Data Management & REDCap. From the logistics of setting up your REDCap account and understanding the terminology this system uses to the theories behind designing an effective survey, we aim to support Clinical Research Coordinators and Investigators as they manage their study data.
REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based application for building and managing online data capture for research studies.
The Northwestern REDCap program supports NU’s afiliate institutions including Northwestern Medicine (Central, NW, and SW regions), Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Shirley Ryan Ability Lab, and Lurie Children’s Hospital.
Remote log–in links: Employees and Physicians. (Includes NMH, NMHC, LFH, NMG, Marianjoy, Kishwaukee/Valley West, legacy Centegra) Palos Remote Access Login. To access Palos Epic ® and other Palos apps. Northwestern University.
Find educational resources sorted by type and topic from our NUCATS On Demand home page. Topics include data management & REDCap, COVID–19, mentoring, and Good Clinical Practice.
Users can log in to the REDCap interface at REDCap provides: 1) an intuitive interface for data entry (with data validation);
Learn how to access Northwestern University’s resources securely and remotely with GlobalProtect VPN.
REDCap is a HIPAA secure website that acts as a data repository. It can be used to collect data for chart reviews, or as a survey to send to patients. There are a lot of great REDCap tutorials. This is how you will access your study protocol and submit it to the IRB for approval/edits.
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) support: REDCap is a browser-based electronic data capture (EDC) tool with advanced metadata and security features. It is often used for data collection in clinical trials. Northwestern is a member of the REDCap consortium and support is offered for project owners.
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