casey life skills login
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This practice guide gives users a quick overview of how to use the Casey Life Skills website to assess youth’s knowledge, skills and abilities. It includes a high level look at the skill areas assessed in the Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA), information about the importance of permanent connections for older youth and a listing of other assessments available. It outlines a six-step …
This Casey Life Skills (CLS) Help Guide is a comprehensive manual on navigating and understanding the functionality of the CLS website. It guides users through the registration process and account administration tasks; shows how to administer assessments and read/interpret assessment results; and, how to manage a provider‟s history of …
The Life Skills Program is designed to enhance a youth’s independent living skills while promoting economic and social self-sufficiency. The Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA) is used to assess life skills youth need for their well-being, confidence and safety as they navigate high school, postsecondary education, employment and other life …
Casey Life Skills Assessment (CLSA) is a set of free tools that assess the independent skills youth need to achieve their long-term goals. It aims to guide youth toward developing healthy, productive lives.
There are resource guides available that list learning goals, expectations and resources to help teach young people the skills they need to succeed. The resource guide for the CLS main assessment is the Resources to Inspire Guide.
The CLS toolkit is a free resource that measures life skills youth need for successful independent living. It includes two new skill areas and a supplemental assessment of supports, and is available for download from Casey Family Programs.
This guide provides the learner and life skill instructor (practitioner, parent or other caregiver) a place to start when creating a learning plan. It identifies the skill areas and corresponding goals and expectations to help young people and practitioners build effective plans.
The toolkit provides CLS assessments, a Practitioner’s Guide (that includes best practices for administering and scoring the assessments), and a Resources to Inspire Guide (a list of resources that can help strengthen independent life skills).
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