a0002 no login failed
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It looks like you are using the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism to authenticate with IMAP. However, Microsoft has deprecated XOAUTH2 and recommends using Modern Authentication instead. Modern Authentication uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization, which provides better security and user experience.
Hello, I am totally lost as i can’t login using Imap to my office 365 mailbox. I disabled the Azure AD security Defaults. I enabled and disabled MFA for the user mailbox. I enabled the basic authentication as described in the following doc: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/troubleshoot/administration/cannot-connect-mailbox-pop-imap …
When I try to retrieve my emails, I receive the following error: Could not log in as ‘XXX’ to: Outlook.office365.com:143 5 NO LOGIN failed. Username and Password are definitely correct, I can login with them in Outlook directly or online perfectly fine. I would appreciate your support on this. Thank you.
The exception thrown is AuthenticationException with message LOGIN failed. The log emitted in the steam is: S: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready.
I recently installed ISPConfig and after all day long fight with different issues I have stumbled upon the one above. I think I’ve tried it all to no avail. It seems the dovecot cannot authenticate against the database set by ISPConfig. I followed this guide: https://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-centos-7-x86_64-nginx-dovecot-ispconfig-3.
I can retrieve my token everytime I want to check for new mails using imap4, but on applying it later on in the app to be able to retrieve my mails, i keep getting this error: Mail Server: A0002 NO AUTHENTICATE failed.
Hi, I am trying to Login to office 365 mailbox via IMAP. I am able to get token and when I decode it , it gives me following roles : “roles”: [ “User.Read.All”, “full_access_as_app”, “Mail.ReadWrite”, …
It could be that the IMAP service isn‘t running, the IMAP protocol isn’t enabled in Exchange or in the user’s mailbox features, or the port is being blocked. Until this test is successful, Track-It! will not be able to use the IMAP e-mail type.
[Fetchmail-users] IMAP< A0002 NO LOGIN failed. From: Axel J. <axe…@tu…> – 2017-02-09 17:24:34. Hi, I am struggling to fetch my email from an exchange IMAP server. It used. to work, but since a few weeks ago it does not anymore. When running fetchmail -v I get.
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